| Leading Translation Management System for Translation Agencies, Top Translation Management Software for Freelance Translators, Time Tracking Software, Word Count, Character Count and Line Count Software, Computer Assisted Translation Tool for Easy Word Count, Clipboard Character Count Software, User-Friendly Translation Memory Software, Terminology Management Software, Terminology Management Server, Microsoft Glossary Software, Dictionary of Acronyms, Social Network for Translators and Translation Agencies, Acronyms and Abbreviations Search Engine, Russian Translation Lab, Ukrainian Translation Lab. |
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SFX commands: script
The script below sets the dialog title to "Calculator 3.05", changes
text displayed in the dialog, sets the default extraction path to "Program
Files\Calculator", enables overwriting of the already existing files
and executes setup.exe after extracting all files.
Title=Calculator 3.05
Calculator is shareware. Anyone may use this
software during a test period of 40 days.
Following this test period or less, if you wish
to continue to use Calculator, you MUST register.
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