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XnView and Total Commander

Here is a description of how XnView is integrated into Total Commander as a file viewer.

The file manager External Link Total Commander supports XnView as an Add-On. This is done by configuring Total Commander to use XnView as the viewer for graphic files.

How To Configure XnView in Total Commander Version 6.0 as an External File Browser:

  1. Start Total Commander
  2. Select the menu OptionsConfigure... to open the Configuration dialog
  3. In the Configuration dialog select the category OperationEdit/View.
  4. Select the button Configure Internal Viewer... to open the dialog Configure Lister.
  5. Select the option Use IrfanView/XnView to view graphics other than BMP.
  6. In the Path field, enter the full path name of the XnView program. Typically this is C:\Program Files\XnView\xnview.exe
    Total Commander, Dialog "Configure Lister"
  7. Confirm this option by pressing the OK button.

The next time you use the F3 function key to display graphics, XnView will be started and show the image.


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