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Configuring Memory Allocation
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Change Memory Allocation
To change the amount of memory used by the virtual machine, use the slider under Memory for this virtual machine, or type in a value in megabytes (this value must be a multiple of 4). The high end of the range that appears is determined by the amount of memory allocated to all running virtual machines.
The Memory dialog provides the following information to help you choose an appropriate amount of memory for the virtual machine. A color-coded icon corresponds to each value. To use one of these amounts, line the slider up with the corresponding icon under Memory for this virtual machine.
- Guest OS recommended minimum This is the recommended minimum amount of memory the operating system vendor recommends for the operating system to run.
- Recommended memory This is the VMware Player recommended minimum memory size for this virtual machine. If you allocate more or less memory to your virtual machine than is recommended, your virtual machine may perform poorly.
- Maximum recommended memory This shows the VMware Player recommended maximum amount of memory you can allocate to the virtual machine for its best performance when it is the only virtual machine running. Allocating more memory to this virtual machine can have a negative impact on the host's performance, including the host's ability to run VMware Player properly.
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