Use PSCAddAllHolidays to modify HolidayList and to add there holiday names for the holidays that occur on the specific date (passed in the Adate parameter). Specify list of the countries in the ACountries parameter. If DefaultHolidays is True, holiday names for the locale default country will be added also. PSCAddAllHolidays returns True if any of the holiday names was added. Holiday names are retrieved from the internal holidays list. Example: var TempHolidays:IPSCStrings; TempCountries : array of TPSCCountryID; begin TempHolidays := PSCCreateStringList(ioOwned); SetLength(TempCountries, 1);
TempCountries[0] := cPSCCountryArray[29]; If PSCAddAllHolidays (SysUtils.Date, TempCountries, TempHolidays,False) then ShowMessage(TempHolidays.Text) else ShowMessage('No default holidays are on the current date for the United States'); end;