Events of TPSCCalendDrawItemEvent type are used to customise drawing of different elements in the calendar. Calendar determines a calendar control. ADate determines date related with drawing element. The element of the calendar, which is drawn, is determined by Area parameter. DateType determines state of the element. Rect determines rectangle where user has to draw. When user wants to draw element by self he should set DefaultDrawing to False. Default value of the DefaultDrawing is True. The following table defines and describes briefly different areas of the calendar and possible values of DateType for these areas: Value - Area - DateType values chtLeftArrow - Left arrow - cdtNormal chtRightArrow - Right arrow - cdtNormal chtMonthHead - Header of the month page - cdtNormal chtWeekDays - Week header - cdtNormal chtWeekLeft - Left side of the month page - cdtWeek, cdtHidden,cdtSelectedWeek chtWeekRight - Right side of the month page - cdtWeek, cdtHidden, cdtSelectedWeek chtDay - Day of month - cdtNormal, cdtSelected chtLeftGray - Day of previous month - cdtGray, cdtSelected chtRightGray - Day of next month - cdtGray, cdtSelected chtHidden - Hidden day - cdtHidden