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Events of TPSCCalendGetPaintParamsEvent type occur when the calendar paints itself for customizing colors and text styles.

type TPSCCalendGetPaintParamsEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Const ADate: TDateTime; Var AColor, ABkColor: TPSCColor; Var AIsBold, AIsItalic, AIsUnderline, AIsStrikeOut: WordBool; ADateType: TPSCCalendarDateType) of object;


Events of TPSCCalendGetPaintParamsEvent type occur when calendar paints days and week sides of the month page. Event allows customizing background and text colors and font styles of these elements. Calendar determines the calendar control. Date determines date associated with painting element. Color and BkColor determine text and background colors respectively. FontStyle determines style of the font of painting element. DateType determines painting element.

See also:
TPSCCalendar, TPSCCustomCalendar.OnGetPaintParams

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