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Determines an event that occurs when font box enumerates system fonts.

type TPSCShowFontEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Const AFontName: String; AFontType, APitchAndFamily: Byte; ACharset: TFontCharset; Var ACanShow: Boolean) of object;


The TPSCShowFontEvent type determines event handler for customizing the fonts that can appear in font box.
Sender - sender refers to the font box object of type TPSCCustomFontBox.
FontName - determines the name of the font family. Dependently on Options font name can be "tagged" with typeface names to identify character sets.
FontType - determines the type of the font. This parameter can be a combination of these values:
DEVICE_FONTTYPE - specifies whether the font is a device-based or graphics device interface (GDI)-based font.
RASTER_FONTTYPE - specifies whether the font is a raster or vector font.
TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE - specifies whether the font is a TrueType font.
PitchAndFamily - determines the pitch and family of the font. The two low-order bits specify the pitch of the font and can be one of the following values:
Bits 4 through 7 of the member specify the font family and can be one of the following values:
FF_DECORATIVE - novelty fonts. Old English is an example.
FF_DONTCARE - don't care or don't know.
FF_MODERN - fonts with constant stroke width (monospace), with or without serifs. Monospace fonts are usually modern. Pica, Elite, and CourierNew are examples.
FF_ROMAN - fonts with variable stroke width (proportional) and with serifs. MS Serif is an example.
FF_SCRIPT - fonts designed to look like handwriting. Script and Cursive are examples.
FF_SWISS - fonts with variable stroke width (proportional) and without serifs. MS Sans Serif is an example.
Charset - specifies the character set.
CanShow - determines whether specified font can appear in font box. Set CanShow to True when specified font can appear in font box otherwise set CanShow to False. The default value of CanShow is True.

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