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Microsoft Speech SDK
SAPI 5.1
SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES lists the attribute information of grammar
- SPRAF_TopLevel
- Flag specifying that the rule is defined as a top-level rule. Top-level rules are the entry points into the grammar and can be de-/activated programmatically. This can be set using the TOPELVEL attribute in the Speech Text Grammar Format.
- SPRAF_Active
- Flag specifying that the rule is defined as a top-level rule that is activated by default. These rules can be de-/activated by calling De-/ActivateRule(NULL, 0, ...). This can be set using the TOPLEVEL="ACTIVE" attribute-value pair in the Speech Text Grammar Format.
- SPRAF_Export
- Flag specifying that the rule is exported and hence can be referred to by a rule in another grammar. This can be set using the EXPORT="YES" attribute-value pair in the Speech Text Grammar Format.
- SPRAF_Import
- Flag specifying that the rule is imported from another grammar and is therefore not defined in this grammar.
- SPRAF_Interpreter
- Flag specifying that the rule has an interpreter (custom C/C++ code implementing the ISpCFGInterpreter interface) associated with it.
- SPRAF_Dynamic
- Flag specifying that the rule is dynamic (can be changed programmatically through the ISpGrammarBuilder interface). Note that the CFG must be loaded with the SPLO_DYNAMIC flag to enable changes at run time.
- SPRAF_AutoPause
- Flag specifying the grammar attributes as AutoPause. This flag is only valid at run time as part of a rule state and is not valid to pass as part of a rule definition.
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