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Microsoft Speech SDK
SAPI 5.1
CSpStreamFormat::AssignFormat assigns (or copies) the instance's current format to a new format (or a new stream).
Converts the instance's stream format into a wave format structure.
HRESULT AssignFormat(
- eFormat
- [in] The requested stream format. Must be a valid SPSTREAMFORMAT value of SPSF_8kHz8BitMono or greater.
Return values
Value |
Description |
S_OK |
Function completed successfully. |
Exceeded available memory. |
Either class member m_guidFormatId or m_pCoMemWaveFormatEx is invalid or bad. Alternatively, the current format is not recognized. |
FAILED(hr) |
Appropriate error message. |
Converts instance's stream format into a cached format. Class member m_pCoMemWaveFormatEx will be NULL if an error occurred.
HRESULT AssignFormat(
ISpStreamFormat *pStream
- pStream
- [in] An ISpStreamFormat object.
Return values
Value |
Description |
S_OK |
Function completed successfully. |
Either class member m_guidFormatId or m_pCoMemWaveFormatEx is invalid or bad. |
Converts instance's stream format into the specified wave format. Class member m_guidFormatId will be GUID_NULL if an error occurred.
HRESULT AssignFormat(
const WAVEFORMATEX *pWaveFormatEx
- pWaveFormatEx
- [in] Address of the WAVEFORMATEX structure containing the wave file format information.
Return values
Value |
Description |
S_OK |
Function completed successfully. |
Exceeded available memory. |
Assigns the instance's format according to a reference GUID and a wave format.
HRESULT AssignFormat(
REFGUID rguidFormatId,
const WAVEFORMATEX *pWaveFormatEx
- rguidFormatId
- [in] The reference ID. If specified as SPDFID_WaveFormatEx, pWaveFormatEx is a WAVEFORMATEX data structure. Otherwise this is set to GUID_NULL.
- pWaveFormatEx
- [in] If rguidFormatId is not set to SPDFID_WaveFormatEx, this is passed back as NULL.
Return values
Value |
Description |
S_OK |
Function completed successfully. |
pWaveFormatEx is invalid or bad. |
Exceeded available memory. |
Assigns (or copies) the instance's stream to a specific stream.
HRESULT AssignFormat(
const CSpStreamFormat & Src
- Src
- [out] The stream to copy to.
Return values
Value |
Description |
S_OK |
Function completed successfully. |
Exceeded available memory. |
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