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UI Helper Functions

UI Helper Function Name Description
SpAddTokenToComboBox Adds the description of a token to a combo box.
SpAddTokenToListBox Adds the description of a token to a list box.
SpDeleteCurSelComboBoxToken Deletes a token as specified by the index of the currently selected item in a combo box
SpDeleteCurSelListBoxToken Deletes a token as specified by the index of the currently selected item in a list box.
SpDestroyTokenComboBox Destroys the tokens in a combo box.
SpDestroyTokenListBox Destroys the tokens in a list box.
SpGetComboBoxToken Returns a pointer to a token as specified by the index in a combo box.
SpGetCurSelComboBoxToken Returns a pointer to a token as specified by the index of the currently selected item in a combo box.
SpGetCurSelListBoxToken Returns a pointer to a token as specified by the index of the currently selected item in a list box.
SpGetListBoxToken Returns a pointer to a token as specified by the index in a list box.
SpInitTokenComboBox Initializes a combo box with the description of tokens from a specified category.
SpInitTokenListBox Initializes a list box with the description of tokens from a specified category.
SpUpdateCurSelComboBoxToken Updates the corresponding token of the item as specified by the index of the currently selected item in a combo box.
SpUpdateCurSelListBoxToken Updates the corresponding token of the item as specified by the index of the currently selected item in a list box.

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