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SAPI 5.1


Once the SpNotifyTranslator object has been initialized, the ISpNotifySource::SetNotifySink method can be called, passing the translator object interface as the parameter. The translator will then convert the call to ISpNotifySink::Notify into the appropriate notification.

Because ISpNotifySource supports most of the functionality of this interface, application writers will not normally use either this interface or the SpNotifyTranslator object. In fact, SAPI uses this object to implement the various methods of ISpNotifySource. The method InitWin32Event supports the ability to initialize the translator with a specific event object, and so could be used for that purpose.

Implemented By

Methods in Vtable Order

ISpNotifyTranslator Methods Description
ISpNotifySink interface Inherits from ISpNotifySink and those methods are accessible from an ISpNotifyTranslator object.
InitWindowMessage Sets up the instance to send window messages to a specified window.
InitCallback Sets up this instance to send notifications using a standard C-style callback function.
InitSpNotifyCallback Enables an object derived from ISpNotifyCallback to receive notifications.
InitWin32Event Sets up a Win32 event object to be used by this instance.
Wait A blocking call that returns when a SAPI notification has fired and the associated Win32 event object has been signaled or a timeout has passed.
GetEventHandle Returns the Win32 event handle associated with the translator.

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