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ISpObjectToken::IsUISupported determines if the user interface (UI) associated with the object is supported.
Ultimately, ISpObjectToken::IsUISupported is similar to creating an ISpTokenUI object and calling ISpTokenUI::ISpIsUISupported.
[local] HRESULT IsUISupported(
const WCHAR *pszTypeOfUI,
void *pvExtraData,
ULONG cbExtraData,
IUnknown *punkObject,
BOOL *pfSupported
Value | Description |
S_OK | Function completed successfully. |
S_FALSE | The UI is supported but not with the current run-time environment or parameters. |
E_INVALIDARG | One of the parameters is invalid or bad. |
SPERR_UNINITIALIZED | Either the data key or token delegate interface is not initialized. |
SPERR_TOKEN_DELETED | Key has been deleted. |
FAILED(hr) | Appropriate error message. |
pvExtraData and punkObject Parameters: When asking an ISpObjectToken to display a particular piece of UI, the UI object may require extra functionality that only it understands. Common implementation practice for accessing this functionality is to QueryInterface off of a known IUnknown interface. The caller of ISpTokenUI::IsUISupported can set the punkObject parameter with the necessary IUnknown interface. For example, to display a Speech Recognition Training UI (see SPDUI_UserTraining) requires a specific SR engine.
The following code snippet illustrates the use of ISpObjectToken::IsUISupported using SPGUID_EngineProperties.
// get the default text-to-speech engine object token
hr = SpGetDefaultTokenFromCategoryId(SPCAT_VOICES, &cpObjectToken);
// Check hr
// create the engine object based on the object token
hr = SpCreateObjectFromToken(cpObjectToken, &cpVoice);
// Check hr
// create a data key for the voice's UI objects
hr = cpObjectToken->OpenKey(L"UI", &cpUIDataKey);
// Check hr
// create a data key for the specific Engine Properties UI
hr = cpUIDataKey->OpenKey(SPDUI_EngineProperties, &cpEngPropsDataKey);
// Check hr
// get the GUID for the voice's engine properties UI
hr = cpEngPropsDataKey->GetStringValue(L"CLSID", &pwszEngPropsCLSID);
// Check hr
// convert GUID string to pure GUID
hr = CLSIDFromString(pwszEngPropsCLSID, &clsidEngProps);
// Check hr
// check if the default voice object has UI for Properties
hr = cpObjectToken->IsUISupported(&clsidEngProps, NULL, NULL, cpVoice, &fSupported);
// Check hr
// if fSupported == TRUE, then default voice object has UI for Engine Properties
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