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SAPI 5.1


The interface ISpEngineSite is implemented by SAPI and is called by the SR engine. It is used by the SR engine to get audio data, retrieve grammar information, send event events, and return recognition information to SAPI.

Full details on how an SR engine interacts with SAPI and how it should call the methods on this interface are given in the "SR Engine Guide" in the white papers section of the Help files.

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Methods in Vtable Order

ISpSREngineSite Methods Description
Read Reads audio data from the input stream.
DataAvailable Retrieves the amount of data that can be read using ISpSREngineSite::Read without blocking.
SetBufferNotifySize Sets the amount of data to be available before data available event is set.
ParseFromTransitions Produces an ISpPhraseBuilder result from a list of transitions.
Recognition Returns a recognition result (final, partial, or false) to SAPI.
AddEvent Sends an event back from the engine to applications.
Synchronize Informs SAPI that the engine is ready to process changes in its grammars.
GetWordInfo Retrieves information about a word in a CFG grammar.
SetWordClientContext Sets an engine-defined pointer on a CFG word.
GetRuleInfo Retrieves information about a CFG rule.
SetRuleClientContext Sets an engine-defined pointer on a CFG rule.
GetStateInfo Retrieves information on the transitions from a CFG state.
GetResource Retrieves a named resource from a grammar.
GetTransitionProperty Retrieves semantic property information for a transition in a grammar.
IsAlternate Determines whether one rule is a valid alternate of another.
GetMaxAlternates Returns the maximum number of alternates that should be generated for the specified rule.
GetContextMaxAlternates Returns the maximum number of alternates that should be generated for the specified recognition context.
UpdateRecoPos Informs SAPI of the current position of the recognizer in the stream to SAPI.

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