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SAPI 5.1


The ISpTTSEngineSite interface is implemented by the SAPI SpVoice object. It is used to write audio data and events. See the TTS Engine Vendor Porting Guide for more information.

The ISpTTSEngineSite interface inherits from ISpEventSink. AddEvents and GetEventInterest are included in this interface.

Methods in Vtable Order

ISpTTSEngineSite Methods Description
ISpEventSink inherited methods. All the methods of ISpEventSink are accessible from this interface.
GetActions Queries the ISpVoice to determine what action(s) to perform.
Write Sends output data (normally audio) to SAPI.
GetRate Retrieves the current TTS rendering rate adjustment that should be used by the engine.
GetVolume Retrieves the base output volume level the engine should use during synthesis.
GetSkipInfo Retrieves the number and type of items to be skipped in the text stream.
CompleteSkip Notifies the SpVoice object that the last skip request has been completed and to pass it the results.

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