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Microsoft Speech SDK
SAPI 5.1
ISpVoice::GetStatus retrieves the current rendering and event status associated with this voice.
HRESULT GetStatus(
WCHAR **ppszLastBookmark
- pStatus
- [out] Pointer to an SPVOICESTATUS structure which receives the status information. This pointer can be NULL if the caller does not want this information.
- ppszLastBookmark
- [out, string] Pointer to a pointer which receives a CoTaskMemAlloc allocated null-terminated string containing the text of the last bookmark reached. If there is no last bookmark, NULL will be returned. Applications calling this method must call CoTaskMemFree() to free the returned string. This pointer can be NULL if the caller does not want this information.
Return values
Value |
Description |
S_OK |
Function completed successfully. |
Invalid pointer. |
Exceeded available memory. |
Because the SPVOICESTATUS structure is closely associated with audio device status, GetStatus will not return an active status for a voice speaking to an audio output stream.
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