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CoffeeS3 is the fourth sample application in a tutorial series named Coffee. It uses a consistent coffee shop motif. Customers enter the shop, go to the service counter, speak to order drinks or to enter the front office.

The samples are intended to demonstrate speech recognition capabilities within an application. They are designed for the application-level (API) programmer and for those not familiar with speech technology. Each sample will progressively add new features and increase in complexity. The tutorial chapters explain in detail particulars of the code. You are encouraged to read each chapter. Writing engines such as speech recognition or text-to-speech, also called device driver programming, will be covered separately. The samples can use engines provided by the SAPI SDK or third party SAPI-compliant engines.

Using CoffeeS3

CoffeeS3 is identical to the previous CoffeeS2 sample. See the CoffeeS2 guide for detailed instructions for using this.

However, a synthesized voice has been used for this module. At certain times, the text-to-speech engine will speak the command, an order, or a greeting. For example, the initial screen will not only display the greeting, but will also say, "Welcome to the SAPI coffee shop. Speak for service."

New Commands List

There are no new commands for CoffeeS3.

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