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Speech Automation 5.1

Simple TTS for JScript


Simple TTS for JScript® is a fundamental text-to-speech application using dynamic HTML (DHTML). DHTML allows the use of SAPI automation directly from a web page. To use Simple TTS for JScript, click Speak Text to synthesize the text in the text edit box. You may change the text anytime that the application is not speaking.


Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later is required. If needed, download the latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer.

An ActiveX® control is used for SAPI automation and some browsers may display a warning about possible interactions between the SAPI control and standard systems. For the sample to run properly this interaction is required. Click Yes to allow this interaction.


There are several options for Simple TTS for JScript.

Text Edit Box

Enter the text to be spoken in this box. Click Speak Text to hear the text spoken. Although the text may be changed while the web page is open, Simple TTS for JScript defaults to the standard phrase upon initial opening.

Speak Text

Speaks the text in the text edit box.


Controls the rate of the voice. Click the plus sign ("+") to speed up the spoken rate, or click the subtraction sign ("-") to slow down the rate. The rate will be changed for the next speak attempt. The changes in rate apply only for the current session and are not saved as the current speaking rate for other applications using SAPI.


Controls the volume of the voice. Click the plus sign ("+") to increase the volume, or click the subtraction sign ("-") to reduce the volume. The volume will be changed for the next speak attempt. The changes in volume apply only for the current session and are not saved as the current speaking rate for other applications using SAPI.


Selects the voice to use. Select a voice from the drop-down list of available voices. The next speech attempt will use that voice.

Audio Output

Selects the audio output device to use. This device contains the hardware sound card that processes the output. Select a device from the drop-down list of available devices; in many cases, there will only be one device to select from. The next speech attempt will use that output device.


Simple TTS for JScript and HTML application requires no compiling to run it. Instead, the code may be modified by any text editor or application capable of editing HTML or plain text. The sample may be installed as Locked files. To modify them, they must be unlocked. To unlock, right-click the file or files, select Properties, and clear the Read-Only check box.

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