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Microsoft Speech SDK
Speech Automation 5.1
VB Outgoing Call
You can use SAPI one of two ways: on the desktop or with communication devices, such as a modem or the Internet. On the desktop, SAPI is restricted to running on one computer and applications must use that particular device. Using SAPI on the Internet, speech or voice information may be transmitted over the lines of communication.
Two sample applications are provided to demonstrate these different means of communication: VB TAPI with Internet and VB Outgoing Call. VB TAPI with Internet allows a computer to call another computer using a simple answering machine format. You can leave or retrieve messages using voice navigation. VB Outgoing Call also calls another computer but is restricted to sending a text-to-speech (TTS) voice message.
Using VB Outgoing Call
VB Outgoing Call is an example of a one-way telephony message. It is intended to represent an automatic reminder or notification system.
After a connection has been successfully made from VB Outgoing Call, your computer should notify you of an in-coming call. This notification is usually a series of beeps. Click Take Call to accept the call. You will hear the text-to-speech voice of the intended message.
Setting Up VB Outgoing Call
Two computers are required to use VB TAPI with Internet. The first, or source computer, will be the one you talk from. The second, or target computer, acts in the role of a server and operates VB TAPI with Internet. To use this application you need the following operating systems and programs:
Both computers must have Windows 2000 or a later version, although the operating systems do not need to be the same.
Both computers must be connected to each other using the Internet. Part of this connection can use a conventional telephone line as long as there is a valid Internet connection.
The source computer (the one initiating the call) must have SAPI 5.1 loaded. The target computer does not require SAPI.
Now that both computers are set up with the necessary programs and connections, you can begin sending and receiving messages.
- On the target computer, run Windows Phone Dialer. Click Start->Programs->Accessories->Communications->Phone Dialer.
- To find the computer name, right-click the My Computer icon on the target computer's desktop and select the Network Identification. The name appears in the Full computer name line, although often only the first part of the name is needed.
- On the source computer, start VB Outgoing Call and enter the name of the computer in the Internet Call combo box.
- In the text box, enter the text that you wish spoken to the target computer, and then click Dial.
- On the target computer, you will receive notification of an incoming call. Click Take Call to accept the call.
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