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Microsoft Speech SDK
SAPI 5.1
SPPHRASEALTREQUEST contains information relevant to an application calling ISpRecoResult::GetAlternates (e.g., number of alternates requested, original phrase information, private engine data, etc.).
typedef struct tagSPPHRASEALTREQUEST
ULONG ulStartElement;
ULONG cElements;
ULONG ulRequestAltCount;
void *pvResultExtra;
ULONG cbResultExtra;
ISpPhrase *pPhrase;
ISpRecoContext *pRecoContext;
- ulStartElement
- Based on the original phrase, the starting element of the span from which to retrieve alternates.
- cElements
- Based on the original phrase, the number of elements in the span from which to retrieve alternates.
- ulRequestAltCount
- The maximum number of alternates that an application requests.
- pvResultExtra
- Pointer to the private SR engine data as sent from the SR engine. Can be NULL of no data was supplied.
- cbResultExtra
- The size of the private SR engine data as sent from the SR engine. Can be zero of no data was supplied.
- pPhrase
- The original recognition as sent from the SR engine.
- pRecoContext
- Pointer to an ISpRecoContext interface that allows the alternate analyzer to communicate with itself and the SR engine. The alternate analyzer can use IUnknown::QueryInterface to query the context for the private SR engine extension (see ISpPrivateEngineCall for more information about private engine extensions.
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