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SAPI 5.1


SPSERIALIZEDEVENT serializes a SAPI event.

See SPSERIALIZEDEVENT64 for a 64-bit version of the serialized event structure.

See also SPEVENT for further information on the related event variable fields.

    WORD        eEventId;
    WORD        elParamType;
    ULONG       ulStreamNum;
    ULONGLONG   ullAudioStreamOffset;
    ULONG       SerializedwParam;
    LONG        SerializedlParam;


The event ID of type SPEVENTENUM
The signature of the lParam parameter of type SPEVENTLPARAMTYPE.
The stream number associated with the event.
For text-to-speech (i.e., output streams), the stream number is incremented each time a new speak call (e.g., ISpVoice::SpeakStream, ISpVoice::Speak) is made.
For speech recognition (i.e., input streams), the stream is incremented each time an audio stream is opened (i.e., ISpSREngine::RecognizeStream). Note that a single audio input object can be opened multiple times (e.g., buffer overflow, device error, recognition state change).
The byte offset into the audio stream associated with the event at which the event was fired. For synthesis, the output stream is the synthesized data. For recognition, this indicates the position in the input audio stream.
The wParam value that was included in the event. See SPEVENTENUM for further information on possible wParam values.
The lParam value that was included in the event. See SPEVENTENUM for further information on possible lParam values.

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