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Microsoft Speech SDK
SAPI 5.1
is a member of SPVTEXTFRAG, and contains information about the XML state associated with a text string. A linked list of SPVTEXTFRAGs is passed into every ISpTTSEngine::Speak.
typedef struct SPVSTATE
//--- Action
//--- Running state values
WORD wReserved;
long EmphAdj;
long RateAdj;
ULONG Volume;
ULONG SilenceMSecs;
- eAction
- Describes the action to be performed with the associated text fragment. The normal action is to Speak (SPVA_Speak) the fragment.
- LangID
- The language ID associated with this text. Set using the <Lang> XML tag.
- wReserved
- Reserved for future use.
- EmphAdj
- Specifies whether the text should be emphasized - zero indicates no emphasis, one indicates emphasis. Set using the <Emph> XML tag.
- RateAdj
- The rate associated with this text. Set using the <Rate> XML tag. This value should be combined with the baseline rate (either the default, or a value set by ISpVoice::SetRate) to yield the final rate value.
- Volume
- The volume associated with this text. Set using the <Volume> XML tag. This value should be combined with the baseline volume (either the default, or a value set by ISpVoice::SetVolume) to yield the final volume value.
- PitchAdj
- The pitch associated with this text. Set using the <Pitch> XML tag.
- SilenceMSecs
- The length of a silence, in milliseconds, to be inserted into the audio output. SilenceMSecs is always zero unless eAction is SPVA_Silence. Set using the <Silence> XML tag.
- pPhoneIds
- A pronunciation (possibly associated with text) to be inserted into the audio output. This value is a pointer to a null-terminated array of SPPHONEIDs. Set using the <Pron> XML tag.
- ePartOfSpeech
- An SPPARTOFSPEECH value to be associated with this text. Set using the <PartOfSp> XML tag.
- Context
- An SPVCONTEXT to be associated with this text. Set using the <Context> XML tag.
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