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Speech Automation 5.1

Interface: ISpeechPhraseProperty

Id Property

The Id property returns the ID of the semantic property.

The ID is the numeric identifier associated with the ISpeechPhraseProperty.Name property. This property must be explicitly marked with the PROPID label.


Set: (This property is read-only)
Get: Long = ISpeechPhraseProperty.Id


The owning object.
Set: (This property is read-only)
Get: A Long variable that gets the property.


Either Name or Id (if available) may be used to identify the rule invoked. Some languages, such as Visual Basic, can use strings in a Case Select statement. Therefore, the rule Name may be used directly in the Case Select statement. Other languages, such as C/C++ can only use numeric values in switch statements. In this case, the Id is more appropriate.


See the example for ISpeechPhraseProperty.Name for more information.

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