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Speech Automation 5.1


The SpMMAudioOut automation object supports audio implementation for the standard Windows wave-out multimedia layer.

Automation Interfaces

The SpMMAudioOut automation object has the following elements:

Properties Description
BufferInfo Property Returns the audio buffer information as an ISpeechAudioBufferInfo object.
BufferNotifySize Property Gets and sets the audio stream buffer size information.
DefaultFormat Property Returns the default audio format as an SpAudioFormat object.
DeviceId Property Gets and sets the multimedia device ID being used by the audio object.
EventHandle Property Returns a Win32 event handle that applications can use to wait for status changes in the I/O stream.
Format Property Gets and sets the cached wave format of the stream as an SpAudioFormat object.
LineId Property Gets and sets the current line identifier associated with the multimedia device.
MMHandle Property Returns the handle of the multimedia audio device stream.
Status Property Returns the audio status as an ISpeechAudioStatus object.
Volume Property Gets and sets the volume level.
Methods Description
Read Method Reads data from the audio stream.
Seek Method Returns the current read position of the audio stream in bytes.
SetState Method Sets the audio state with a SpeechAudioState constant.
Write Method Writes data to the audio stream.

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