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Microsoft Speech SDK
SAPI 5.1
User Interface
The following user interfaces (UI) are available. Each UI listed provides the C/C++ and Automation symbols although each pair refers to the same UI. The UI provided is for SAPI 5 speech recognition (SR) or text-to-speech engines (TTS).
Though not required, engines may employ a process improvement procedure and request additional information from the user. For example, if the recognition attempts are consistently poor or if the engine detects a consistent and interfering background noise, the SR engine could request that the user run the training or microphone wizard. This event is a suggestion by the SR engine to run the particular UI. The application may choose to initiate the UI or may ignore the suggestion.
Each manufacturer's engine may provide a different set of UI, so check documentation with that particular engine for additional details.
C/C++ Name
| UI description. |
Automation Name
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