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How to Read Newsgroups

You can use any newsreader software to access the Microsoft newsgroups. Microsoft Outlook Express is installed as part of Microsoft Internet Explorer for your convenience. Visit the Microsoft Internet Explorer Home page for information on how to download and install this product.

With Outlook Express installed, after you click a newsgroup link, you will be prompted for configuration information. When prompted for News Server, specify newsvr. You do not need to enter an account name or password; make sure that the option This Server Requires Me To Log On is not checked on the Server tab of the News Reader properties window.

If you are using an NNTP newsreader (sometimes called a news client) other than Outlook Express, be sure to configure it to read the Microsoft newsgroups. You can access the Microsoft news server at the same address above with newsvr.

Before posting to the newsgroups, please review the Microsoft Newsgroup Rules of Conduct.

Available Newsgroups

Microsoft Newsgroups lists available newsgroups from Microsoft.

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