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Microsoft Speech SDK
SAPI 5.1
Who Should Use This SDK
To get the most out of this SDK, you should be familiar with the following:
- C/C++ programming concepts.
- Visual Basic programming concepts. SAPI 5.1 supports OLE automation so that any language capable of accessing automation objects may be used. Visual Basic is a widespread and popular application that supports OLE automation. As a result many of SAPI SDK's samples and API references follow Visual Basic syntax. There is, however, no requirement to use Visual Basic for OLE automation.
- Component Object Model (COM). Developers should understand COM programming concepts, obtaining pointers to interfaces, and calling methods.
- All developers should understand the Win32 application programming interface (API).
For more information about Windows programming, see the documentation included in the Microsoft Win32 Software Development Kit.
For more information about C/C++ programming, see the documentation for the Microsoft® Visual C++ development system for Windows.
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