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Advanced Disk Configuration: Setting the Virtual Device Node and Mode
VM >
Settings >
Hardware >
Hard Disk >
Under Virtual device node you can select which SCSI or IDE device identifier to use for the drive. For example, if you select SCSI 0:2, the guest operating system sees the drive as ID 2 on controller 0. You determine whether the virtual disk is seen as a SCSI device or an IDE device at the time you create it.
Under Mode, you can set the following behavior for the disk:
- Independent The data on the disk is not recorded when you take a snapshot of the virtual machine.
You can further specify:
- Persistent All changes to the data on that disk are written immediately.
- Nonpersistent Changes are not written to the disk file. When the virtual machine is powered off or reset, all changes are discarded.
Specifying a disk mode is useful in certain special-purpose configurations in which you want to exclude disks from the snapshot.
Normal disks are included in the snapshot. Independent disks are not included in the snapshot.
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