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Configuring a USB Port

Choose: VM > Settings > Hardware > USB

Use the check box beside Automatically connect new USB devices to this virtual machine when it has focus to determine what happens when you plug a new USB device into your host computer. If you clear the check box, new USB devices are connected to the host computer.

Once the virtual machine is powered on, use the VM > Removable Devices menu to connect and disconnect USB devices.

You can use up to two USB devices in a virtual machine if both the host operating system and the guest operating system support USB. Note, for example, that Windows NT and Linux kernels older than 2.2.17 do not support USB.

Although the host operating system must support USB, you do not need to install drivers for your USB devices in the host operating system if you want to use those devices only in the virtual machine.

Only one operating system — host or guest — can have control of a USB device at any one time.

Note: If you have a Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 host, when you connect a USB network or storage device to a virtual machine, you may see a message on the host that says the device can be removed safely. This is normal behavior, and you can simply dismiss the dialog box. However, do not remove the device from your physical computer. The virtual machine is given control of the device automatically.

Before unplugging a USB device or using the VM > Removable Devices menu to disconnect it from a virtual machine, be sure it is in a safe state.

You should follow the procedures the device manufacturer specifies for unplugging the device from a physical computer. This is true whether you are physically unplugging it, moving it from host to virtual machine, moving it between virtual machines or moving it from virtual machine to host.

This is particularly important with data storage devices (a Zip drive, for example). You may lose data if you move a data storage device too soon after saving a file and the operating system has not actually written the data to the disk.

If you are adding a new USB controller, click Add to install the device.

To remove an existing USB controller, select that controller, then click Remove.

Click OK to save the configuration and close the virtual machine settings editor.

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