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Snapshot Details
The command buttons along the right side of the Snapshot Manager allow you to perform different functions on snapshots.
- Click Take Snapshot when you have You Are Here highlighted in the snapshot tree to take a new snapshot of the current state of the virtual machine.
- Click Clone to create an independent copy (clone) of the virtual machine from the snapshot. This opens the Clone Virtual Machine Wizard, which guides you through the process of cloning the virtual machine.
Note: For more detailed information on cloning virtual machines, see the User's
Manual, available from the Help menu.
- Click Delete to remove the selected snapshot. This action does not affect the deleted snapshot's children (those snapshots stemming from the selected snapshot). Snapshots cannot be deleted from a template virtual machine.
Note: For more information on templates, see the User's Manual.
Note: If a snapshot has been cloned, it becomes locked. If you delete a locked
snapshot, the clone or clones created from that snapshot no longer operate.
When you attempt to delete a locked snapshot, a warning dialog box appears
asking for confirmation before deleting the locked snapshot.
You can edit the name and description of a snapshot by typing into the appropriate field. Click within the Name or Description field to change the entry in that field. Type your changes. When your cursor leaves the field, Workstation checks your entry for length, duplicate names and invalid characters.
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