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Advanced Software for Translators and Translation Agencies |
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AcroLexic Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations
AcroLexic 2.0 is a dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations. Currently it contains more than 70,000 terms with more than 150,000 definitions.
AnyCount Word Count, Character Count, and Line Count Software
AnyCount produces automatic word counts, character counts, line counts, and page counts for all common file formats. Supports .RTF and .DOC, .WPD and .XLS, .PPT and .PPS, .PDF and .CSV, .HTM and .HTML, .XML and .MIF and .TXT, .ZIP and .ODT, .SDW and .SXW, .ODS and .SDC, .SXC and .ODP, .SDD and .SXI, .HLP and .CHM formats, characters with spaces, characters without spaces.
CATCount Computer Assisted Translation Tool for Easy Word Count
CATCount is useful software tool for translation industry professionals. It greatly eases task of accounting of Computer Assisted Translation jobs.
ClipCount Clipboard Character Count and Word Count Software ClipCount is an ideal tool for fast text count in any file or program. It counts any text copied to Clipboard and quickly provides comprehensive and exact count results.
ExactSpent Easy and Exact Time Tracking Software
ExactSpent is an efficient time tracking software that enables you to calculate exact time you spent on particular job. You can track multiple jobs for multiple clients in a single place. ExactSpent enables you to create, start, pause and resume timers for multiple jobs easily using intuitive interface.
Projetex 2006 Project Management Software for Translation Agencies
Projetex tremendously simplifies task of corporate and freelance workflow management, data and files sharing within translation agency and provides multiple benefits for project managers, translators and other team members.
Translation Office 3000 Translation Office 3000 is a unique piece of software designed especially for freelance translators This program will be your personal accountant, adviser, assistant, and project manager. You are the freelance translator, you are independent, and you are your own boss! But this also means that you need to track your jobs, payments, and invoices yourself. You simply do not have room for all these people at your home office.
WinLexic GUI to Microsoft® Glossaries for Technical Translators and Technical Translation Agencies
Downloads and resumes broken/paused downloads of Microsoft glossaries. Displays glossaries in a nice and convenient dictionary form. Allows fast search for glossary terms.
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