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When the Client Job is created, you need to divide it among the experts of your company. Some of them are your corporate in-house experts, some are freelancers.
Corporate Jobs To create a new Job for your corporate expert: 1. In Project structure section, select the Client Job that you want to share between your experts:
2. When the Client Job is selected, right-click on it. The following menu appears:
3. Click New Corporate Job.
Time Spent and AHC (Average Hourly Cost) fields are used for calculating Total Cost. When the job is completed, the Time Spent for it may be entered by you or by Corporate Expert who did the job. For more details please see Corporate Expert Basic working procedures. If Average Hourly Cost was entered for the corporate expert, it is displayed automatically. You can change this value. To finish creating the Job, click OK in down-left corner of Create Client Job window. Now, when the Corporate Job is created, it is displayed in the Project structure:
Freelance Jobs To create a new Job for your Freelance Expert: 1. In Project structure section, select the Client Job part of which you want to assign to your Freelance Expert:
2. When the needed Client Job is selected, right-click on it. The following dialog box appears:
3. Click New Freelance Job. As you can see, it is very similar to the Create Linked Corporate Jobs window described above.
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