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function Abs(X: integer): integer;

function AbsExt(X: extended): extended;

function ArcTan(X: extended): extended;

function Beep;

function BreakupDate(Date: TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day: word);

function BreakupTime(Time: TDateTime; var Hour, Min, Sec, Msec: word);

function Chr(X: byte): char;

function Compare(S1, S2: string): Integer;

function CompareCase(S1,S2: string): Integer;

function Copy(S1: string; Index,Count: integer): string;

function Cos(X: extended): extended;

function CreateDate(Year, Month, Day: word): TDateTime;

function CreateTime(Hour, Min, Sec, Msec: word): TDateTime;

function CurrToStr(Value: currency): string;

function Date: TDateTime;

function DateTimeToStr(DateTime: TDateTime): string;

function DateToStr(Date: TDateTime): string;

function DayOfWeek(Date: TDateTime): integer;

function Delete(var S1: string; Index, Count:Integer);

function Exp(X: extended): extended;

function FloatToStr(E1: extended): string;

function FormatFloat(Format: string; value: extended): string;

function Frac(X: extended): extended;

function Insert(Source: string; var S1: string; Index: integer);

function IntToStr(I1: integer): string;

function Length(S1: string): Integer;

function Ln(X: extended): extended;

function LowerCase(S1: string): string;

function MakeStr(Ch: char; Count: integer): string;

function Now: TDateTime;

function Odd(X: integer): Boolean;

function Pi: extended;

function Pos(Substr: string; S1: string): Integer;

function QuotedStr(Value: string; Quote: char): string;

function Random(Range: integer): integer;

function Randomize;

function Round(X: extended): integer;

function ShowMessage(S1: string);

function Sin(X: extended): extended;

function Sqr(X: extended): extended;

function Sqrt(X: extended): extended;

function StrToCurr(S1: string): currency;

function StrToDate(S1: string): TDateTime;

function StrToDateTime(S1: string): TDateTime;

function StrToFloat(S1: string): Extended;

function StrToInt(S1: string): Integer;

function StrToIntDef(S1: string; Default: Integer): Integer;

function StrToTime(S1: string): TDateTime;

function TimeToStr(Time: TDateTime): string;

function Trim(S1: string): string;

function TrimLeft(S1: string): string;

function TrimRight(S1: string): string;

function Trunc(X: extended): integer;

function UpperCase(S1: string): string;


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