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Rave Reports Visual Designer Event - Syntax . |
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The Break, Continue and Exit function exist (similar to Delphi). Variables may be declared (similar to Delphi). The following types are supported:
Boolean, Byte (0 to 255), Char, Currency, Double (8 byte float), Extended, Integer (32 bit signed integer), Shortint (-128 to 127), Single (4 byte float), SmallInt (-32768 to 32767), String, Word (0 to 65535)
AsBlob, AsBoolean, AsCurrency, AsDate, AsDateTime, AsFloat, AsInteger, AsString, AsTime
If statement if condition then statement(s); elseif condition then statement(s); else statement(s); end;
For loop for index := start to finish do statement(s); end;
for index := start downto finish do statement(s); end;
While loop while condition do statement(s); end;
Repeat loop repeat statement(s); until condition;
With statement with object do statement(s); end;
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