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Rave Reports Visual Designer

Navigation Area

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The top of the visual designer is the Rave Navigation area. This is where toolbars can be docked individually, and can also be tab docked. Individually docking the toolbars will allow the user to see all the buttons on the toolbar and to see more than one toolbar at a time. Tab docking will allow easy access to each toolbar, but only one toolbar can be seen at a time.


Toolbar Main Explained


The toolbars contain both tools and components.  A tool is a feature that will be used to modify an object already on the page, like the Font Editor or the Color Palette. A component is an object that will be placed on the page like a band, line, text, region, or section.


Toolbar Hints


To find out the name of the button control on a toolbar, simply move the mouse pointer over a button, and a popup window will appear with the name of the tool or component. Also, notice the raising of the button when it is about to be selected. It will become 'depressed' when the button is clicked on.


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