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Rave Reports Visual Designer

The Page (Foundation of Rave)

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The starting point with the Rave Visual Designer is the Page. The page is the foundation and is where all the designing action is done. The Page is represented with the grid pattern, which will look something like the image shown below. The look and feel of the Page can be changed with the preference settings, which will be covered in Preferences section.


One important thing to know and remember is that the Page has properties, such as height and width. To see or change the Page properties, go to the "Project Tree" Panel and expand the Report node by clicking on the "+" sign, then click on the report name (default is "Report1") and this will show a line that will be defaulted to "Page1". Click once on the Page reference and a green check mark will appear next to the Page name. The green check mark means that the Page has been selected and now the Page properties can be seen in the Property Panel.


Page_Blank_Grids     pp_Page


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