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The following is a list of available documentation or tutorial type information.


1) Be sure to look at the samples installed on your system, usually C:\Rave\Demos. If you are using the original bundled version of Rave included with Delphi 7, be sure that you upgrade to the 5.0.8 version (available on Borland's Delphi 7 registered users page) which fixes several bugs including a missing file which Borland left out of the first release.


2) There are several PDF documents installed on your system, usually C:\Rave\Docs. Again, if you are using the original bundled version of Rave with Delphi 7, then these docs were included on a separate CD since they ran out of space.


3) Documentation (current and older versions) can be found at:


4) There are many tips and tricks on the Nevrona website at:


5) Scripting demos for BEX users are in the \Rave\Demos\Scripting folder. Scripting documentation (RANT.PDF) is located in the \Rave\DOCS folder or download it from: . You can see what methods and properties are available for the Rave classes by looking in the Rave\Source\*.RVS (Rave Scripting source libraries).


6) There are several tutorial type articles on our add-ons page at . Look for:

       "First Steps for Rave with Delphi" article

       "Introduction to Rave" I through IV articles

       "Rave Overview Presentation" from ADUG symposium

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