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MS Word works with my printer but Rave Reports does not. What is the problem with Rave?



"It works with MS Word" is a very common user statement <g>. However, all that really has been validated with Word is that the computer to printer connections are working and that the printer driver is functioning at the level needed by MS Word. Most reporting programs can and will stress a printer driver in ways that you would not normally do with Word.


For example, there was a color HP DeskJet printer driver that would not print Bold pale yellow "Arial" text at an angle. Make the text any other color or different font or turn off the Bold or make the text horizontal, then all would be fine. Once the exact problem was identified, even Word had a problem. After working with HP, they acknowledged a problem and updated their driver which fixed the issue. It took about 8 months. In the mean time, the user had changed the color to silver.

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