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Report Destination

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How do I determine whether the user previewed or printed a report?



First, we have to caution you that selecting "print" does not mean the user actually got a complete print job. The printer could have had a paper jam, gone off-line etc. It is also important to note that Rave simply communicates with the Windows Printer API and NOT with the printer. So when you select "Print" in Rave - ALL that means is that the print job was sent to the Printer API. The spooler probably got the job but it is unknown if the printer or user got it.
However, you can get a clue on what the user selected by using the OnAfterPrint and OnAfterPreviewPrint events on the TRvSystem component. In those events, put some code to look at the return value of the ReportDest property. The return value can be used to determine which selection the user has chosen - File, Preview or Printer. This ReportDest return value is set after the user exits the setup form.

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