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TBaseReport. Create (TBaseReport) method |
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Declaration constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);
Description This constructor should be called to create an instance of a component. This constructor should not normally be called if the component is placed visually on a form.
See also
Example (Delphi) // Dynamically create a Rave component var MyReportPrinter: TRvNDRWriter; begin MyReportPrinter := TRvNDRWriter.Create(self); with MyReportPrinter do try MarginTop := 1.0; MarginBottom := 1.5; MarginRight := 1.0; MarginLeft := 1.0; OnPrint := MyOnPrintMethod; Execute; finally Free; { This will call the Destroy method } end; { with } end;
Example (C++Builder) TRvNDRWriter* rp1; rp1 = new TRvNDRWriter(this); try { rp1->MarginTop = 1.0; rp1->MarginBottom = 1.5; rp1->MarginRight = 1.0; rp1->MarginLeft = 1.0; rp1->OnPrint = MyOnPrintMethod; rp1->Execute(); } __finally { delete rp1; }/ tryf |
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