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TRpBarsBase. Create (TRpBarsBase) method |
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Declaration constructor Create( BaseRpt: TBaseReport );
Description This constructor is called to create an instance of the Bar Code Class. The current reporting object should be passed into the BaseRpt parameter.
See also TRpBarsBase Class, BaseReport (bar code)
Example (Delphi) BarCode1 := TRpBarsPostNet.Create(Sender as TBaseReport); with BarCode1 do begin BarHeight := 0.125; BarWidth := 0.020; UseCheckSum := True; Text := '85283-3558'; {'-' will be stripped} Left := MarginLeft + 1.0; Print; end; {if} BarCode1.Free;
Example (C++Builder) TBaseReport* rp = dynamic_cast<TBaseReport*>(Sender); TRpBarsPostNet* bc1 = new TRpBarsPostNet(rp); bc1->BarHeight = 0.125; bc1->BarWidth = 0.020; bc1->UseCheckSum = true; bc1->Text = "85283-3558"; / "-" will be stripped bc1->Left = rp1->MarginLeft + 1.0; bc1->Print(); delete bc1; |
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