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TBaseReport. CreateBrush method |
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Declaration function CreateBrush(NewColor: TColor; NewStyle: TBrushStyle; NewBitmap: TBitmap): TBrush;
Description This method will create a TBrush object for the given parameters. If a bitmap is not desired, pass in the value of nil. You can assign this brush to the canvas to change the current brush.
NOTE: The brush object returned must be released by calling the free method of TBrush.
See also TBaseReport Class, SetBrush, TBrush, TBrushStyle, TColor
Example (Delphi) var MyBrush: TBrush; begin MyBrush := CreateBrush(clRed, bsSolid, nil); end;
Example (C++Builder) TBrush* MyBrush; MyBrush = rp1->CreateBrush(clRed, bsSolid, NULL); MyBrush->Free(); |
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