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TRvRenderPreview. OnPageChange event (read/write/published) |
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Declaration procedure OnPageChange(Sender: TObject);
Description This event will be called whenever the current page changes on the preview screen. This can be useful for updating the current page number on visual controls on the preview screen.
See also TRvRenderPreview Class, NextPage, PrevPage, PrintPage
Example (Delphi) procedure TPreForm.RvRenderPreview1PageChange(Sender: TObject); begin with RvRenderPreview1 do begin PageEdit.Text := IntToStr(CurrentPage); PageLabel.Caption := 'Page ' + IntToStr(CurrentPage - FirstPage + 1) + ' of ' + IntToStr(Pages); end; { with } end;
Example (C++Builder) void __fastcall TPreForm::RvRenderPreview1PageChange(TObject *Sender) { TBaseReport* rp = dynamic_cast<TBaseReport*>(Sender); PageEdit->Text = IntToStr(rp1->CurrentPage); PageLabel->Caption = "Page " + IntToStr(rp1->CurrentPage - rp1->FirstPage + 1) + " of " + IntToStr(RvRenderPreview1->Pages); } |
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