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The TRvRenderPreview component takes a file generated by a TRvNDRWriter component and sends it to the screen for previewing. TRvRenderPreview has many methods and events that allow the programmer to create a completely customized user interface.



ScrollBox defines the TScrollBox component that the report will be drawn in. FileName and StreamMode are used in the same manner as TRvNDRWriter and TRvRenderPreview. GridHoriz and GridVert define the horizontal and vertical spacing, in inches or metric, between each grid marking drawn with GridPen. RulerType along with the grid settings can be useful during report development for determining accurate placement of items without having to produce printed output. MarginMethod and MarginPercent determine the method and size of the blank margin around the page image. ShadowDepth defines the number of pixels for the page shadow. Monochrome defines whether the output is drawn on a monochrome or color bitmap. are skipped when calling NextPage or PrevPage. ZoomInc defines the amount that ZoomIn and ZoomOut will use to modify the current zoom percentage, ZoomFactor.



OnPageChange is called whenever the current page is changed and allows the programmer to update the user interface with the new current page number. OnZoomChange is called whenever the current zoom factor, ZoomFactor, is changed and allows the programmer to update the user interface with the new zoom factor.


Events Derived from TRvRenderPreview

OnPageChange, OnZoomChange


Events Derived from TBaseReport

OnAfterPrint, OnBeforePrint, OnDecodeImage, OnNewColumn, OnNewPage, OnPrint, OnPrintFooter, OnPrintHeader, OnPrintPage


Methods Derived from TRvRenderPreview

Clear, ExecuteCustom, NextPage, PrevPage, PrintPage, RedrawPage, XD2I, ZoomIn, ZoomOut


Methods Derived from TBaseReport

Abort, AbortPage, AdjustLine, AllowAll, AllowPreviewOnly, AllowPrinterOnly, Arc, AssignFont, BrushCopy, CalcGraphicHeight, CalcGraphicWidth, Chord, ClearAllTabs, ClearColumns, ClearTabs, CopyRect, CR, Create, CreateBrush, CreateFont, CreatePen, CreatePoint, CreateRect, Destroy, DrawFocusRect, Draw, Ellipse, Execute, FillRect, Finish, FinishTabBox, FloodFill, FrameRect, GetMemoLine, GetNextLine, GetTab, GotoFooter, GotoHeader, GotoXY, GraphicFieldToBitmap, Home, LF, LinesLeft, LineTo, Macro, MemoLines, MoveTo, NewColumn, NewLine, NewPage, NoPrinters, Pie, Polygon, Polyline, PopFont, PopPos, PopTabs, Print, PrintBitmap, PrintBitmapRect, PrintBlock, PrintCenter, PrintCharJustify, PrintData, PrintDataStream, PrintFooter, PrintHeader, PrintImageRect, PrintJustify, PrintLeft, PrintLn, PrintMemo, PrintRight, PrintTab, PrintXY, PushFont, PushPos, PushTabs, RecoverPrinter, Rectangle, RegisterGraphic, ReleasePrinter, Reset, ResetLineHeight, ResetPrinter, ResetSection, ResetTabs, RestoreFont, RestorePos, RestoreTabs, ReuseGraphic, RoundRect, SaveFont, SavePos, SaveTabs, SelectBin, SelectPaper, SelectPrinter, SetBrush, SetColumns, SetColumnWidth, SetFont, SetPaperSize, SetPen, SetPIVar, SetTab, SetTopOfPage, ShadeToColor, ShowPrintDialog, ShowPrinterSetupDialog, Start, StretchDraw, SupportBin, SupportCollate, SupportDuplex, SupportOrientation, SupportPaper, Tab, TabEnd, TabStart, TabWidth, TextRect, TextWidth, UnregisterGraphic, UpdateStatus, XD2U, XI2D, XI2U, XU2D, XU2I, YD2I, YD2U, YI2D, YI2U, YU2D, YU2I


Properties Derived from TRvRenderPreview

MarginMethod, MarginPercent, Monochrome, PageInc, Pages, ScrollBox, ZoomFactor, ZoomInc, ZoomPageFactor, ZoomPageWidthFactor


Properties Derived from TRvRenderPrinter



Properties Derived from TBaseReport

Aborted, AccuracyMethod, AscentHeight, Bins, BKColor, Bold, BottomWaste, BoxLineColor, Canvas, Collate, ColumnEnd, ColumnLinesLeft, ColumnNum, Columns, ColumnStart, ColumnWidth, Copies, CurrentPage, CurrentPass, CursorXPos, CursorYPos, DescentHeight, DeviceName, DevMode, DriverName, Duplex, FileName, FirstPage, FontAlign, FontBaseline, FontBottom, FontCharset, FontColor, FontHandle, FontHeight, FontName, FontPitch, FontRotation, Fonts, FontSize, FontTop, FontWidth, FrameMode, GridVert, Italic, LastPage, LeftWaste, LineBottom, LineHeight, LineHeightMethod, LineMiddle, LineNum, LinesPerInch, LineTop, MacroData, MarginBottom, MarginLeft, MarginRight, MarginTop, MaxCopies, NoBufferLine, NoNTColorFix, NoPrinterPageHeight, NoPrinterPageWidth, Orientation, OriginX, OriginY, OutputInvalid, OutputName, PageHeight, PageInvalid, PageWidth, Papers, PIVar, Port, PrinterIndex, Printers, Printing, ReportDateTime, RightWaste, ScaleX, ScaleY, SectionBottom, SectionLeft, SectionRight, SectionTop, Selection, ShadowDepth, StatusFormat, StatusLabel, StatusText, Stream, StreamMode, Strikeout, Subscript, Superscript, TabColor, TabJustify, TabShade, TextBKMode, Title, TopWaste, TotalPasses, TransparentBitmaps, TruncateText, Underline, Units, UnitsFactor, XDPI, XPos, YDPI, YPos


Properties Derived from TRpComponent


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