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TRvSystem. OnPreviewShow event (read/write/published) |
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Declaration procedure OnPreviewShow( Sender: TObject );
Description This will allow you to modify the TRvRenderPreview component on the preview form itself.
NOTE: This event is called during the OnShow event of the preview form.
See also TRvSystem Class, OnPreviewSetup
Example (Delphi) Procedure TForm1.RvSystem1PreviewShow( Sender: TObject); begin with Sender as TRvRenderPreview do begin ZoomFactor := ZoomPageWidthFactor; end; { with } end;
Example (C++Builder) void __fastcall TForm1::RvSystem1PreviewShow(TObject *Sender) { TRvRenderPreview* fp = dynamic_cast<TRvRenderPreview*>(Sender); fp->ZoomFactor = fp->ZoomPageWidthFactor; } |
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