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TRvSystem |
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Hierarchy TComponent | | TRvSystem Description The TRvSystem component is a very powerful component that integrates the functionality of the previous three components, TRvRenderPreview, TRvRenderPrinter and TRvNDRWriter in one easy to use system. TRvSystem can send a report to the printer or a preview screen and can display a setup and status screen as well.
Properties DefaultDest is where the report will be sent if no setup screen is used or is the default during setup. SystemFiler, which can be accessed by double-clicking on the left column in the Object Inspector, will display all of the filer type options from TRvNDRWriter, TRvRenderPreview and TRvRenderPrinter. All SystemFiler options operate the same as the other components except for a stream mode of smMemory which does not require a filename and will use a TMemoryStream to contain the report.
The SystemOptions properties control the configuration of the TRvSystem component. soUseFiler will always send the report to a report file. This can be very useful if the Macro method has been used in the report. soWaitForOK will determine whether the user has to press the OK button once the report has been generated for output. soShowStatus will determine whether or not the status screen is displayed when the report is being generated or printing. soAllowPrintFromPreview will determine whether the user can print from the preview screen. soPreviewModal determines the modal mode that the preview window is brought up in soNoGenerate will skip over the generation phase of the report and proceed straight to the screen. This options should only be used with a StreamMode of smFile where the report file has been previously generated and needs only to be viewed or printed.
SystemPreview displays all of the preview type options found in TRvRenderPreview. SystemPrinter displays all of the printer type options found in TRvNDRWriter.
The SystemSetups properties control the configuration of the standard setup screen for TRvSystem. ssAllowSetup will determine whether or not the setup screen is displayed. ssAllowCopies, ssAllowCollate and ssAllowDuplex will enable those options in the setup screen. ssAllowDestPreview, ssAllowDestPrinter and ssAllowDestFile will determine which destination options the user has access to. ssAllowPrinterSetup will determine whether the user can select the printer setup dialog which allows the selection of alternate printers and other printer options. ssAllowPreviewSetup determines whether the user will be allowed to select the printer setup dialog after preview.
from TRvSystem BaseReport DefaultDest GridHoriz GridPen OutputFileName ReportDest RulerType SystemFiler SystemOptions SystemPreview SystemPrinter SystemSetups TitlePreview TitleSetup TitleStatus
from TRpComponent
Events All of the OnXxxx events for TRvSystem operate exactly like they do for TRvNDRWriter. The override events, OverridePreview, OverrideSetup and OverrideStatus allow the programmer to replace the default screens provided with Rave with their own. There is no printed documentation on how to do this but the TRvSystem component uses the same method as a user would have to. Reference the methods OverridePreviewProc, OverrideStatusProc and OverrideSetupProc for how to create an override event method. The units RpFormPreview, RpFormStatus and RpFormSetup located in \RAVE\SOURCE will also show how to interface with TRvSystem and can be used as starting points for customized versions of the different forms.
from TRvSystem OnPreviewSetup OnPreviewShow OverridePreview OverrideSetupOverrideStatus |
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