| Leading Translation Management System for Translation Agencies, Top Translation Management Software for Freelance Translators, Time Tracking Software, Word Count, Character Count and Line Count Software, Computer Assisted Translation Tool for Easy Word Count, Clipboard Character Count Software, User-Friendly Translation Memory Software, Terminology Management Software, Terminology Management Server, Microsoft Glossary Software, Dictionary of Acronyms, Social Network for Translators and Translation Agencies, Acronyms and Abbreviations Search Engine, Russian Translation Lab, Ukrainian Translation Lab. |
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What's New in Version 6.0.1?
- Borland Developer Studio 2006 support!
- New methods GetTextW() and GetTextOrDefaultW() that return WideString as result. Useful when building Unicode applications.
- New methods GetTextOrDefined() and GetTextOrDefinedW() that return translation of user defined strings for specified language if no translations for active language available.
- New properties UseDefaultLanguage and DefaultLanguage allow to use specific language as default while switching languages and no translation available for active language.
- Improved support for inheritance, thanks to Andreas Brodbeck from Mindclue GmbH for his code and help. Be sure to set IsInheritedOwner to True for inherited forms!
- It is possible now to save ExtendedTranslations property in Save Properties dialog from TsiLang Expert
- Extended message dialog functions:
- Default button receives input focus if you specify the default button in MessageDlg() functions.
- Global classes for dialog controls- there is defined global classes to use for dialog controls and initialized with default values like:
MsgDlgFormClass: TFormClass = TForm;
MsgDlgLabelClass: TControlClass = TLabel;
MsgDlgEditClass: TControlClass = TEdit;
MsgDlgButtonClass: TControlClass = TButton;
This allows you to use additional classes in dialog functions instead of standard one. This functionality is useful also when building full Unicode application, you can replace standard classes with Unicode and even your message boxes will be fully Unicode.
- SIL Editor:
- Statistics Wizard- SIL Editor now provides you the statistics so you can count how many words and items to translate and other information.
- Encryption and Decryption- SIL Editor provides ability to encrypt string IDs, in order to "hide" application structure. Also added option to hide first column.
- Some internal improvements.
- Some minor bugs and improvements.
For the comprehensive list of new features added in last versions of TsiLang Components Suite see the Version History
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