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Translation Office 3000 V8 provides you with possibility to register payments you receive from clients and link it with the correspondent Invoice. New Payment records can be added on the Payments page of the Client window.
To add a new Payment record
1. Open the Clients list on the Client Main page. For this click Clients icon in the Navigation panel (Main tab opens automatically when you open Client window) or click Navigation > Client > Main.
2. Select the Client the Payment is received from.
3. Switch to the Payments page of the Client window clicking the Payments tab:
4. Click New button. New Payment window will open. 5. Fill the fields of the New Payment window (you can link the Payment with the Invoice here). More details...
After the record is added it appears in the list of the Payments on the Payments page of the Client window and in the list on the Payments from Clients window.
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