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If you or your clients work in translation industry then you definitely need CATCount, because it greatly eases the task of accounting of Computer Assisted Translation jobs. CATCount does this by translating complex CAT Scheme into one easy number, i.e. CATCount. Additionally, it provides great features for printing and export of used CAT Scheme together with original word counts, and resulting CATCount. Word count analysis logs of Trados Translator's Workbench are processed automatically. Translation Office 3000 V8 provides you with built-in CATCount tool. On the CATCount page of the Advanced Settings you can enable using CATCount and set its units. To open CATCount page click CATCount in the left part of the Advanced Settings window.
To enable CATCount select Enabled option.
Clicking CATCount button displays CATCount dialog box.
To change the units CATCount will use click Change button and select the necessary units from the list in the Select Unit window: Units displayed in this list can be edited/deleted or added on the Volume Units page of the Business Settings.
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