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Extracting files from an archive
New users: For introductory information, please see the
section Brief Tutorial -
Extracting Files.
This section describes the Extract dialog. There are
other ways to extract files from an archive:
- Using the drag and drop interface.
- Directly from My Computer or Windows Explorer, as described in
Using the Explorer Interface.
- If a Zip file contains a "setup" or "install" program,
you can use the Install Feature to automatically
extract the files, run the installation program, and clean up temporary files.
The Extract dialog
Use the Extract button on the toolbar or select
Extract from the Actions menu to display the Extract dialog.
Use the Extract dialog to extract or "unzip" files from the open
archive to your disk.
WinZip® extracts files from the archive to the folder
specified in the Extract to field. You can specify this folder in one of
four ways:
- Select a folder and drive in the Folders/drives list boxes.
- Type a folder name in the Extract to field.
- Pull down the Extract to combo box and select a folder from the list
of previous Extract to folders.
- Click the "new folder" button
and create a folder.
The Extract dialog provides the following options:
- The Selected files/folders option button instructs WinZip to extract only
files that are selected in the main WinZip window. You can use conventional
file selection methods to choose files. This option is disabled if no files are
- The All files/folders in current folder option button instructs WinZip to extract all
files and folders from the currently selected folder. Note: this button is only
available when extracting in Files by Folder view.
- The All files/folders in archive option button instructs WinZip to extract all files
from the archive.
- The Files in Archive option button and edit field allow you to specify which
files are extracted using filenames (standard Windows wildcards are accepted, so
you could use "*.doc" to extract all .doc files)
- The Overwrite existing files checkbox determines whether you are
prompted before existing files are overwritten with files from the archive.
- The Skip older files checkbox determines whether WinZip skips (does
not extract) existing files when the date/time stamps of the file in the archive
is older than the file on disk.
- The Use folder names checkbox determines whether WinZip will use
folder names (also known as path names) stored in the archive. You will
probably want to check this option for most extract operations. If this option
is checked, any folder names stored in the archive will be appended to the
Extract to folder when appropriate. If this option is not checked all
files will be extracted to the same folder, regardless of any folder names in
the archive. Note: this option does not appear when you are in the
Files by Folder view. When in Files by Folder view files
are extracted to their respective folders.
- For example, assuming the Extract to folder is
"c:\temp", the file "mydir\filename" will be extracted to
the folder "c:\temp\mydir" if the Use folder names option is
checked, or the folder "c:\temp" if the option is not checked.
- If the Open Explorer window checkbox is checked, a Windows Explorer
window is opened after the extract operation is complete. The window will show
the folder to which the files were extracted. This checkbox is not present if
you are extracting from multiple Zip files directly from Windows Explorer using
the WinZip context menu.
- If you extract from multiple Zip files using WinZip's Extract to...
Windows Explorer context menu entry, there will be a checkbox labeled Use Zip
file names for folders. If this checkbox is checked, WinZip will create a
folder for each Zip file under the Extract to folder; the folders will be
named with the base names of the Zip files. For example, if the Extract
to folder is "c:\temp", WinZip will extract files from
"NewDocs.zip" to "c:\temp\NewDocs". If this checkbox is
not checked, files will be extracted to the Extract to folder. In
most cases, you will probably want to leave this option checked when you extract
from multiple Zip files.
- The "new folder" button
activates the Create Folder dialog box. Note that you can
extract files and create a folder without this dialog box: simply type the name
of the new folder in the Extract to field of the Extract dialog box and
press the Extract button.
Note: You can change the default Extract to folder
using the Folders tab of the
Configuration dialog.
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