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Using the Explorer Interface
Using WinZip's® Explorer interface, you can access
most WinZip functionality directly from Windows Explorer or My Computer shortcut
menus, from the Start menu, or from the desktop.
Here is a partial list of the things you can do using WinZip's Explorer
- Create new archives
- Add to existing archives
- Extract files from archives
- E-mail archives
- Encrypt Zip files
- Create self-extracting Zip files
- Edit a WinZip job
- Run a WinZip job
- Register WinZip
You can do all of these things without opening WinZip itself.
See the following topics for more information about using the WinZip
Explorer interface:
Working with the
Explorer Context Menu
Working with
the Start Menu and Desktop
WinZip Quick Pick
taskbar tray icon
Related Topics:
Using WinZip Menus
Using Drag and
See also
Hints and Tips
More Hints and
Hints For Working With
Downloaded Files
Frequently Asked Questions
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